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Youth & Family

After School
Children's Race

After School  &
Summer Program

A Safe Space.

Our after school program gives children a safe space for learning positive coping skills and behaviors for everyday life. Your child will be able to build community in a healthy environment while having the attention they need to thrive. We offer artistic, active, and educational activities to ensure the children have an all-around learning experience.


The goal for this program is to make sure that when your child leaves the program, they have the coping mechanisms to face their new environments in a healthy and beneficial way. 


Hours are extended during summer
and school breaks

Reading Book Online

Meet Me Where I Am

 Meeting Your Needs.

The Meet Me Where I Am (MMWIA) program allows adolescents to receive behavioral coaching from the location in which they are struggling - often being at home or school. Our behavior coaches will assist children one-on-one and give them the care they need. Along with assisting the child, our caregivers will also give the parents skills & techniques to help reinforce positive habits. 


Our MMWIA sessions are specific to adolescents between the ages of 6 and 18, and the sessions are anywhere from 1 to 5 times per week, depending on the needs of the child, which is assessed upon intake. 

Behvior Coaching
Smiling Teenage Boy

Behavior Coaching

Positive Learning. 

We work with children to diagnose where their strengths and weaknesses are in their behavioral journey, and create a plan to help combat these struggles. Our behavior coaches offer one-on-one sessions to help support children in this process, while giving tools necessary to build positive behavioral habits while they're still young. 


Behavior coaching can be beneficial for youth who are struggling with mental illness, tough transitional periods, and other causes of negative behavioral habits. 

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